Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Time to Fly

I want to tell you all about Flying.

Several years ago I came across "Flylady" in several blogs I followed. I did sign up for the emails at Flylady.com, but her zones didn't match what I thought was best for my house, and there were too many emails, and ....whatever. I kept parts of her program, but quit trying to follow most of it.

I was beginning to get a handle on the house spring before last when I came down with bronchitis. Then as I got over that I injured my feet. By that time my house was back to its horrid state and I was so discouraged I couldn't motivate myself to get up and do anything. I just didn't even know where to start anymore.

One day, after joining a couple housekeeping groups on Facebook, I said to myself "These groups are great, but I just need some site that will give me daily assignments so I don't have to make any decisions or even think about it. Just read-and-do.....Oh.... Flylady."

I went back to her website and joined up again.

She has reduced the numbers of emails to no more than 7 a day. This is much more manageable.

Mrs. Flylady's program is based on routines. You pick a few things to do everyday. Add in the daily missions (10-15 minutes each, 1 per day) and 15 minutes of decluttering a day and your house just magically gets clean.

Some things Flylady says:

  • You're not behind. Just jump in where you are.
  • Housework done imperfectly still blesses your house. (In 
  • !n fact, "perfect" is a bad word we are not allowed to be used).
  • Your house didn't get this way overnight. It won't get clean that fast either.

"Fly" by the way, means "Finally Loving Yourself."

Though some links here will eventually be affiliate links, the ones to Flylady are not. I simply believe in her program. So go to Flylady's site and get started!

It's time to Fly

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