Monday, February 18, 2019

What if you can't afford to homeschool?

Actually, if you figure in the costs of book fees, bus fees, gym fees, fundraisers, nice clothes, etc, homeschooling is easily the cheapest method of educating a child, even with the cost of curriculum.

However, sometimes you just don't have the cash to order textbooks.

When that happens, this site gives you a shortcut to getting started schooling with just the library.

(Actually, you don't have to be broke to use the library. Many a homeschooler in the early days of the homeschool revival, before we became slammed with choices aimed just at us, used just the library with outstanding results.)

Also, is a complete K-12 education, online for free.

One of the hardest things I have found to do in homeschooling, is to trust God. If I don't have the money to buy a certain resource, then obviously God doesn't think I need it. He promises to give us all we need, and He loves my children even more than I do. He knows what they need in the future, certainly more than I do. He is faithful to provide all my children need in their educational years.

Yes, my head knows all this. My panic button doesn't.

And it doesn't help reading all the mom blogs talking of the neat stuff they are doing in their homes.

Now, though, I have the advantage of having four graduated children (very soon to be five). I see the results and I like them.

None of my children have chosen to go to college, and I'm cool with that. I think college is overblown and overpriced.

They are, however, intelligent, polite, informed, hard working adults, who are achieving their goals in their careers. Maybe not as fast as I would like, but they are getting there.

This does give me more confidence with my younger ones.

So does realizing that if you put my 26 years of parenting all together and show the highlights, it looks way more impressive than it is. It is the same with everyone else. Homeschooling is actually way more about teaching phonics day after day, year after year (I have nine kids), doing math drills over and over, same o, same, day in day out.

Homeschooling is more like making a stew in a crockpot than making a stir fry.

Just think about that a bit.

More and more I am resting in God's promises of His care for my kids. I know he love us and will take care of us.

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