Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Math Resources

Math Geek Mama - https://mathgeekmama.com/

Many great ideas for teaching math, and if you sign up for her newsletter you get an eBook with 5 math games you can play right now. 

Gameschooling - https://my-little-poppies.com/gameschooling/

A unique idea; teach those parts of each subject that can be taught through playing a game. A fun way to do "drill and kill." Spelling? Scrabble. Logic? Clue. She has some great resources for math, too.

Curriculums I have Used

Abeka (K,1, Algebra)

I use Abeka K and First grade. I like the simplicity and bright colors. They work well for my little ones, making math simple. Now, I don't use the teacher's guide or curriculum plans, just the workbooks. I find that they and life provide plenty for my children.

We used the Algebra textbook with my oldest. Or I should say, tried to use it. It just was too confusing to get through, even with the teaching aids. We switched her to Math U See's algebra and she did great. Much better, more logical explanations.


I left Abeka with my oldest before we had any problems because it was a consumable curriculum and I already had 3 children and knew there would be more. The cost of all those workbooks every year was staggering to look at at that time. Saxon was the most recommended math curriculum at that time among the resources I had, so we switched to it. 

She. Hated. It.

The day she bawled because she didn't understand why she had to do all that work when she already knew the work, I knew we needed to change. 

I have used Saxon off and on with other kids, but never for very long, until now. 

This curriculum uses a spiral method of teaching; they teach a little bit of each segment of math everyday, practicing what you have already learned over and over. This does aid mastery, but with most of my kids it has produced extreme boredom and frustration. 

And a single lesson can easily take more than an hour. 

However, I now have one daughter who is finding that repetition comforting, and the slow introduction of concepts reassuring. I think there may still be a better curiculum out there for her, but for now, she is happy with Saxon. (Note: she only does the odd numbered problems so that she isn't spending an inordinate amount of time on math.)

Ray's Arithmetic
Math U See
CTC (MathsOnline.com)
Khan Academy

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