Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Saturday Hubby took us to the Sparks city museum and train museum. Very interesting. One of the best trains talks we've ever heard.

Then we played Archery Tag. This is held in a warehouse of a Archery store, where they normally offer lessons. We used foam tipped arrows and wore head protectors. It was a lot of fun.

Today's schedule includes housecleaning, school, and rewriting my routines/housecleaning schedules to be Flylady adapted to my house. I am realizing my problem with really following Flylady is that I am doing better already at house keeping than I thought. I need to sit down and really think about what a completely "caught up" and clean room looks like and how close I really am. Honestly, in my bathroom, I need to do the floor for this week and finish scrubbing the hard water deposits off the walls of the shower, but otherwise, I don't think it could be much better than it already is. Wow!

Time Management for Homesteads- I'm not, technically, a homesteader. But I am a "wanna be." These are some great tips for running any household. Home management doesn't get the credit it deserves. It is the basic "enterprise" that makes life work for everyone. All other enterprises exist to support Home Management in one way or another.

Death is not the worst enemy.

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