Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Mattresses

One of my sons came to the conclusion his mattress was worn out and that was the cause of his backaches. So, since he has a job, he ran to Walmart after work one day and bought a new mattress. Unfortunately, he didn't call me and ask what size his bed was, and ended up buying a full for a twin sized bed.

So, Hubby ordered a twin mattress from Walmart to trade with him. It arrived yesterday. So during my housecleaning time, instead of doing what I had planned, I took the full mattress, and since its a Memory Foam type, I cut it up to make new mattresses for my two youngest kids (both of whom were using crib mattresses, though the 10yo had to extend it by adding padding under her pillows off the mattress. She now has a almost twin sized mattress. She sleeps on a bottom, full sized, bunk, but all her toys are also on her bed in shelves. We added plywood to the bed to make a sitting room type of arrangement. This was fine when she was little, but now she is taller and was really needing the bigger mattress.)

We've decided to go ahead and replace all the mattresses that need it. This may end up being as many as 7. It will take some time.

Yesterday I topped 5000 steps again. :-)

I've done my early morning routine. Still need to do emails and correct yesterday's school work.

So, today I will still do my late morning routine and school, but since I'm supposed to meet my dad for lunch, we will start school early instead of walking around the block.

I may or may not get extra housework done.

Ideally, I would clean under my microwave and fix the powerstrip/surge protector it and the coffee pot plug into (extra protection, over the GFI already installed. Besides, I can't reach the plug behind the dresser they sit on. My dad is an electrician and approves this set up as long as we don't overload the powerstrip) For some reason the strip fell off the wall where I hung it. I need to figure out what happened, remedy that, then clean everything up from the mice (have I mentioned we have a biblical-level plague going on here?)

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